By weavers. For weavers.
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Simple Weaves
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Sling Braiding Traditions
$35.99 $39.99
Stubenitsky Code
Tapestry Handbook
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Tapestry with Pulled Warp
The Art of Tapestry Weaving
The Art of Weaving
$31.49 $34.99
The Art of Weaving by Betty Briand
$31.49 $42.95
The Enigma of Shadow Weave Illuminated
$44.99 $49.99
The Handweaver's Pattern Directory
The Intentional Thread
$34.00 $39.99
The Techniques and Art of Weaving : A Basic Guide
Thread Magic
THREADS AROUND THE WORLD : From Arabian Weaving to Batik in Zimbabwe
VELVET ON MY MIND VELVET ON MY LOOM : Velvet Weaving Past & Present
Weave Classic Crackle & More
$31.50 $34.99
Weave Leno
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Weaver's Delight
Weaver's Idea Book
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Weaver's Inkle Directory
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