By weavers. For weavers.
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We have a collection of hand picked books that we know you will learn from and enjoy.
Handwoven Table Linens
$21.00 $24.95
Handwoven Baby Blankets
$19.75 $21.95
The Techniques and Art of Weaving : A Basic Guide
Weaving Designs by Bertha Gray Hayes
$36.00 $40.00
Winding a Warp & Using a Paddle
Weaving & Drafting Your Own Cloth
Weaving for Beginners
Dimensional Cloth: Sculpture by Contemporary Textile Artists
$45.00 $50.00
Sling Braiding Traditions
$35.99 $39.99
Weaving as an Art Form
$11.69 $12.99
Frances L Goodrich's Coverlet and Counterpane Drafts
$40.50 $45.00
Weaving on Three Shafts
An Exaltation of Blocks
Weaving Shaker Rugs
$31.49 $34.99
Designing with Blocks for Handweaving
Handwoven Tape
$22.50 $24.99
Tapestry Handbook
$53.95 $59.95
Shadow Weave Simply
$26.45 $29.95
Overshot Simply
$31.45 $34.95
18 Towels on 4 warps, 1 Tie Up
$18.00 $20.00